How to Create a Wishlist for Your Dream Home

So, you have gone through the process of getting pre-approved and now you know exactly what you can afford when it comes to your first or next home. It is important to know exactly what your budget is and what is feasible for you financially before you begin shopping around for your dream home so […]
6 Reasons Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Buy a Home

If you want to buy a home, whether for yourself, you and a significant other or partner, or you and your family, there is no better time than now to start to kick off the process. House hunting can sometimes be a hit or miss; sometimes the process can take some time and drag out, […]
The Truth About A Foreclosure Purchase

You may have heard about homes being foreclosed, but never actually known exactly what goes into a foreclosure purchase or what that means. Or maybe you are interested in purchasing a foreclosed home but not sure if that is the right move. Well, we are here to clear up everything you need to know about […]
6 Important Tips For Buying A House with a Significant Other

While for many years it was most common for a couple to purchase a home together after they were legally married, today many couples choose to say “I do” to a house with a significant other before they tying the knot. While buying a home before getting married is extremely exciting and a huge milestone […]
Why You Should Sell Your Home in the Spring

Why You Should Sell Your Home in the Spring It is the time of year that everyone has been waiting for! Now that people are spending more time outside and are generally happier due to the nicer weather, there has never been a more perfect time than now to get your house out on the […]
Virtually Make Your Home More Appealing

Virtually Make Your Home More Appealing Everyone knows how important a first impression is, and if you are looking to sell your home, then you know how important curb appeal is as well. Nowadays, it is important to make sure that your home is appealing not only in person, but also virtually as well. Many […]
New Year’s Resolutions to Help You Buy Your Dream Home

New Year’s Resolutions to Help You Buy Your Dream Home It is officially the new year, and everyone can relate to kicking off the new year with a specific resolution, or perhaps multiple resolutions, in mind. A very common and large resolution that many people may have this year is to purchase their first home. […]
Thinking of Living on an Estate? Check Out Some Pros and Cons

Thinking of Living on an Estate? Check Out Some Pros and Cons If you are not familiar with estates, you may be unaware of what it is like to live on one. For some, living on estates is everything they have ever dreamed of, as there are many benefits to estates. For others, the number […]
Benefits of Having an Open House

Benefits of Having an Open House When you are looking to put your house on the market, a great tactic to selling your home is to host an open house, where you can guarantee that you will get a lot of eyes on your home first-hand. Not to mention, an open house is an awesome […]
How to Make Your Offer on a Home Stand Out

How to Make Your Offer on a Home Stand Out When it comes to bidding on a home that you are looking to purchase, it can be tricky to decipher whether you will be accepted, and your bid will go through. There are a lot of different factors to consider – were you quick enough […]